Learn Prospect Research Fundamentals
“I love the way this book is designed ‘to engage and deepen the relationship an organization has with its donors, friends, and beneficiaries’ because it makes prospect research an ‘inclusive’ and ‘inviting’ part of the fundraising process.”
—Laura Fredricks, author of the book The Ask and e-book Winning Words for Raising Money
“Helen and Jennifer are adding a worthwhile book to nonprofit shelves with Prospect Research for Fundraisers. The magic behind the research curtain will become clear to fundraisers as they move through definitions and processes that lead to big or bigger gifts. Insight from the field helps readers put themselves in the prospect research success story. The best part? Learning the high point of value a well-designed research function can have for any nonprofit lies within these pages.”
—Cecilia Hogan, author of Prospect Research: A Primer for Growing Nonprofits; Director, University Relations Research, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington